Photospace Gallery exhibitions in 2012

14th December 2012 - 19th January 2013
Kaveh Kardan - Vulnerable
"I am interested in the courage it takes to make oneself vulnerable,
and the strength which can emanate when one does so."
Kaveh Kardan - Vulnerable
"I am interested in the courage it takes to make oneself vulnerable,
and the strength which can emanate when one does so."

Viewing: 27th-29th November 2012
Phil Jacobs Benefit Photography Auction Preview
Live benefit auction: Friday 30th November from 6pm
at The Pit, Fine Arts Bldg, Massey University
Phil Jacobs Benefit Photography Auction Preview
Live benefit auction: Friday 30th November from 6pm
at The Pit, Fine Arts Bldg, Massey University

10th November - 24th November 2012
Cathy Tuato'o Ross
Petit Fours - from denial to daydream
(Gallery room 2)
Cathy Tuato'o Ross
Petit Fours - from denial to daydream
(Gallery room 2)

10th November - 24th November 2012
Gabrielle McKone - Catch My Eye
Also featuring the launch of Gabrielle's book, Catch My Eye
on Friday, 9th November.
(Gallery room 1)
Gabrielle McKone - Catch My Eye
Also featuring the launch of Gabrielle's book, Catch My Eye
on Friday, 9th November.
(Gallery room 1)

13th October - 3rd November 2012
Toothfish - International Street Artist
In association with Gilberd Marriott Gallery
Toothfish - International Street Artist
In association with Gilberd Marriott Gallery

22nd September - 8th October 2012
Exposed Photography Group Exhibition 2012
Mark Beehre, Liz Brooker, Glen Howey, Jess Parker, Jane Wilcox, John Williams
More photos...
Exposed Photography Group Exhibition 2012
Mark Beehre, Liz Brooker, Glen Howey, Jess Parker, Jane Wilcox, John Williams
More photos...

1st September - 17th September 2012
Andrea Selwood +/- = e
A time-based installation
Artist statement, artist bio & more photos
Andrea Selwood +/- = e
A time-based installation
Artist statement, artist bio & more photos

16th-18th July 2012
Glen Howey - Confessions of the eyes
Glen Howey - Confessions of the eyes

29th June - 14th July 2012
Jocelyn Carlin - To Be : Portraits
Jocelyn Carlin - To Be : Portraits

9th June - 25th June 2012
Dominika Zielinska - Aotearoa is not for sale -
Photos of the May 4th Stop Asset Sales Hikoi
(Gallery room 1)
Dominika Zielinska - Aotearoa is not for sale -
Photos of the May 4th Stop Asset Sales Hikoi
(Gallery room 1)

9th June - 25th June 2012
Tracey Kearns (as Audrey Periot)
What's yours is mine
(Gallery room 3)
Tracey Kearns (as Audrey Periot)
What's yours is mine
(Gallery room 3)

11th May - 7th June 2012
Helen Mitchell - Portraits of Ink
(Gallery room 1)
TV One Sunday programme featuring Helen Mitchell
Helen Mitchell's exhibition is in association with Massey University College of Creative Arts
Helen Mitchell - Portraits of Ink
(Gallery room 1)
TV One Sunday programme featuring Helen Mitchell
Helen Mitchell's exhibition is in association with Massey University College of Creative Arts

11th May - 7th June 2012
Julian Ward - Collection of Photographs
(Gallery room 3)
Julian Ward - Collection of Photographs
(Gallery room 3)

Gore Boxing Club
14th April - 5th May 2012
Andrew Ross - Deep South
(Gallery room 1)
Andrew Ross - Deep South
(Gallery room 1)

Fat Controller

16th March - 5th April 2012
Heinz Sobiecki - Motu Matakohe (Limestone Island) and other images
(Gallery room 1)
Heinz Sobiecki - Motu Matakohe (Limestone Island) and other images
(Gallery room 1)

17th February - 10th March 2012
Shelley Jacobson - sea of trees
(Gallery room 1)
Artist info & statement
Shelley Jacobson - sea of trees
(Gallery room 1)
Artist info & statement

17th February - 10th March 2012
Mark Beehre
Alteplano - a journey through the Andean high plateau
(Gallery room 3)
Mark Beehre
Alteplano - a journey through the Andean high plateau
(Gallery room 3)