2020 Exhibitions:
A walk down Johnsonville Road - Photographs from 1966-1969 by John B. Turner' is showing at Waitohi, Moorefield Rd, Johnsonville. This is a Photography Aotearoa exhibition, showing till mid-2021.
The Waitohi exhibition can also be viewed online. Ripple Effect' - Susie Baker - 8 Nov 2019-01 Feb 2020
6 Dec 2019-25 Jan 2020 - 21st birthday group exhibition 5-22 February - Inverlochy Art School annual exhibition (GMG) 29 February to 10 July - Quit before It Is Too Late - James Gilberd 6 March-23 March 2020 - 'Falling Shadows' - Airini Beautrais, Christine McFetridge, Virginia Woods-Jack (this exhibition closed early due to Covid-19 lockdown) 13 June-18 July 2020 - Andrew Ross - 'What I got up to during the lockdown' 15 July-22 August - Heinz Sobiecki - 'Unique prints, three series' (in office) 25 July-22 August 2020 - Lucien Rizos - 'A Man of His Time' 28 August-13 September 2020 - Stuart Clook 'Precious Landscapes' (Platinum Printing workshops) 28 August-29 September 2020 ' Nick Servian 'Eyes On' (room 4) 17-29 September - Felix Harris & Pascal Harris - 'Brother Love' (GMG exhibition) 17-29 September - Vintage Alinari photographs - Art and Architecture of Europe & America 2-13 October - Mary Macpherson 'The Long View' revisited (stock exhibition) 17-29 October 2020 - 'A Moment of Quiet' Massey Uni photography grads. group exhibition 13 November 2020-23 January 2021 - Murray Cammick - 'Flash Cars'.